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  • About Us

    Tallinn Suitsupääsupesa Preschool is an educational institution providing childcare and basic education for children of ages 1-7. 

    The language of teaching and instruction is Estonian.
    Preschool is opened from 7AM to 7PM.

    The curriculum of the preschool in drawn up according to the requirements set out in the Government’s order no 87 of 29th of May 2008 on the Requirements of the National Curriculum for Preschool Educational Institutions.

    Tallinna Suitusupääsupesa Preschool is a preschool in the centre on Tallinn located on Suitsu põik 4. The building is surrounded by a big green area where every group of the preschool has their own personal playground as well as a sports-ground and an adventure trail for all the children in the preschool. The preschool has 6 groups arranged by the age of the children one of which is a nursery. Each group has two teachers and an additional assisting teacher. Musical activities and physical education activities are conducted by separate teachers specialized in those fields.

    The main directions and fields for the development of the preschool are expressed in the three-year development plan
    The fulfillment of the development plan is supervised and assessed by systematic internal evaluations.

    View the preschool from the inside

    The webpage is administered by:
    Triin Andreas, Director
    triin.andreas@rahvuslind.edu.ee, 6561855

    last changed:29.04.2015