Our Values
We work together for the same goals, are loyal to children, parents and each other.
We work together for the well-being of the children and take their opitions into account.
We notice and acknowledge the success of children, parents, employees and cooperation partners.
We are alwats polite, open and honest.
We are proud of our preschool and enjoy working here.
We mutually respect rules that have been commonly agreed on.
We always act for the purpose of securing a safe environment.
In shaping the learning and playing environment we put a lot of emphasis on the safety and quality of the toys and materials used.
We prevent all possible traumas with our everyday activities.
We have a competent personnel who are prepared to act in case of emergency or threat.
We are considerate towards ourselves, others and to the environment.
We help those who are in need and participate in charity.
We keep good relations and respect each other.
We teach our children the importance of environmental awareness and act accordingly.
We respect the environment and property entrusted with us.
We plan our expenses accuratly and deliberately.
The page is administered by:
Triin Andreas, Director,
triin.andreas@rahvuslind.edu.ee, 6561855
Uuendatud 22.05.2013
last changed:25.05.2015